Before You Go, You Need to Know:

  • Information herein is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed.
  • To obtain tax and parcel card data click the “Continue to Brady Township information on BS&A Website” link located on the bottom of this page. *When on the site Use the search features on the LEFT hand side – do not attempt to use the log in on the upper RIGHT corner of the page.
  • Appraisers and realtors should personally inspect and measure all comparable properties, subject properties and listings and are using this information at their own risk.
  • For specific payoff information for delinquent taxes please call the Kalamazoo County Treasurer’s office at (269) 384-8124.
  • Only tax payments made at or mailed to Brady Township will be posted on this website. If tax amounts have been paid to the Kalamazoo County Treasurer’s Office, record of payment needs to be verified through that office at (269) 384-8124, they will NOT be updated on this website.

Principal Residence Exemption Information:
June 1st (for Vicksburg School District) and November 1st (for Mendon School District) of each year is the date you must legally own and occupy your home in order to be eligible for the Homeowners Principal Residence Exemption. The millage rate for qualifying property is approximately 18 mills less than non-qualifying properties. New Homeowners must apply; this exemption is not automatic. Forms are available in our office.

Land Division Information
For Land Division information please call Assessor, Chad Razmus (616) 202-6509.

All information on BS&A Website is real-time.
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